Thursday, August 14, 2008

Update: Invasion, Frame options, Tokens

It's been a while since I posted an update, but I've been pretty busy.
Progress has continued, and I've made lots of subtle background changes, as well as very noticable front-end changes.

First of all, the database includes cards from Alpha (the first set) to Eventide (the latest set), for a grand total of 14307 entries. While many of these are reprints of the same card, that's still quite a bit of information

Additionally, I've managed to get the art from all cards since Invasion (a solid 9 years worth of cards!)

I also added watermarks (from the guild cards), mana symbols (on the lands), a method to draw old frames, options to handle what frame to draw (giving you the option to view everything in the new or old style frames), and tokens.

Uniquely framed cards such as, Unglued and Unhinged, and cards with a complicated frame not worth programming (flip cards and Future Sight cards) are treated similarly, however I may go back and change that as time goes on. (the advantage of doing this, of course, would be giving users the fourth option of choosing "Future Sight Frames" as their prefered frame style)

But enough talk: more pictures!

Invasion cards

Choose your prefered frame style...

...and make old cards look like this

Tokens! With unfinished name text! ;)

Lands! With big mana symbols!