Monday, September 29, 2008

Beta Release

Beta is complete!

Feel free to download and give it a try. I'm still working out some bugs, but all the functional stuff works. Before I say anything else, let me stress this:

** The database does not yet save statistics on the cards you own**

It will soon. Just not yet.
I'm still making radical changes in the background in an attempt to get this thing as complete as I can, and I have no idea how that will impact it's functionality in this regard. I can just see someone spending +100 hours logging their cards, only to have it all wiped by an update. I wish to avoid that.
On a similar note, the options don't save either. Same basic thing with this.

As of now, the program has every standard printing of every card. I've left out special printings (player rewards, DCI, exc) for now, but I plan to include these in the future. All I ask of anyone who downloads this are the following:
1) Give me credit. I've been working on this for about 4 months.
2) Report any bugs you find. (include as much detail as possible)
3) Share/blatantly advertise to friends (assuming you like it. :P)

Thanks to WotC for giving a bored guy something to do during the summer, and for a pretty cool hobby.

Thanks to the crew, for the source images for about 90% of my card frames. If you enjoy creating your own cards, check their program out. It's pretty snazzy, and very powerful.

Thanks to and several other database sites that I forget right now, for your services. It was only through the work they started that I was able to get a reasonably complete was also the source of ALL my card art.

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